Friday, July 22, 2011

Connecticon 2011 VLog Part 3: Day Two Morning

More mayhem.  Youtube was being a pain so it took quite some time to get the bloody thing uploaded.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Connecticon 2011 VLog Part 2: Day One

Here is part 2, the actual stuff I did Friday.  I didn't actually record as much today as I did the next two days but that's ok.  Was faster to quasi edit.  I pretty much leave all my flubs in.  

                Next time we start on Saturday!  Where the magic happens.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Connecticon 2011 Vlog Part 1: Preparation, Travel, and Hotel.

                                     Yes.  My other new project to go along with my Let's Play.

You will get THE convention experience from this.  All with my damned awful voice which gets more incoherent as the days go by and my sleep cycle is borked even more.  (13 broken hours over 3 days.  I'm still sort of recovering a week later!)

Cosplayers and such show up next time.  Though not many sexy ones.  I felt creepy even wanting to cover them, and I didn't feel like bothering them either.

Though Anime News Network had one of those up: .

I think I remember passing her once.  Or one of the other Yoko players.  It takes a lot of guts to want to traipse around dressed like THAT.

(Though she does a great job at pulling it off.)

If you ever wondered what going to a con was like you will learn.   But Connecticon is a general nerd con, though it seems to have a heavy anime influence.  So the type of mayhem a more corporate one like San Diego Comic Con or a really huge focused one like Gen Con or Origins  has won't really be seen here.

Connecticon is big enough to have lots of stuff going on but small enough to fit into one large convention center (primarily taking place on 2 floors of it, plus bits in the hotel itself) so its not really too hard to get around in or get lost.  Course having been there 6 years now (05, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11) I kind of have my feel for the lay of the land.

Stay tuned for more of it.  I will try adding in snarky captions for when I do amazingly dumb things in retrospect, though the dumbest thing was actually deciding to blog it video style with a Flip camera in 720p.  Hey.  It was 65 bucks with a Staples coupon and it does 2 hours of video that fits in a pocket.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

[Let's Play] Fun in Mystara! Let's play Order of the Griffon Part 13: FAQs! AAAHHH!! Heroes of the Universe

Shorter update this time, but this is a good breaking point.  Between this, Connecticon, and the 100 or so minutes of footage I have to edit into something coherent from said con I have a couple of projects to get to.  And keeping to my once a week schedule is something I take serious.  Only missed one week so far, and we got a big installment that time.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

[Let's Play] Fun in Mystara! Let's play Order of the Griffon Part 12: Our Dungeons, Ourselves

Ok this dungeon is massive and I have been busy with work.  And I am going to Connecticon this weekend so I have been getting that set up.  And I have the first session of an AD&D 2nd edition game to go to Thursday.  And my birthday and a friend's birthday have happened.  And as a casino employee holidays like the 4th of July mean extra work.    My time has been short.

But... I channeled my inner dork to bring you the first part of this huge dungeon of pain.  A place so annoying you would beg for the second Transformers movie instead of enduring it since the horror ends quicker.

Let us begin.  Suffering builds character, right?