Thursday, February 19, 2009

February Oath: Complete!

My low quality half assed paint job of the Uncharted Seas Elven Starter Fleet is done!

Uncharted Seas Elf Fleet

The biggest problem came in trying to freehand paint all the masts. Even using masking tape as a liner didn't help me make properly straight lines. However a second coat of yellow enamel cleaned up the masts on the frigates quite nicely to the point I will do all my frigates that way. (I have another 6 frigates in blister, plus I am waiting on Warstore getting in 2 more Cruisers so I can have 6 more frigates and 3 more total cruisers. They are currently sitting in their blisters.) Another yellow wash, plus some old Eldar waterslide transfers and my little fleet is done. They even got to see some action last week at Time Machine down in Manchester CT. They died to the Dwarves, but in entertainingly hilarious fashion which makes it all better. The crowd down there thought it looked cool.

Now if I can just get the game going down at Sarge's Comics in New London which is much closer.

And what's that hanging out with them? A 1/600 scale tank? And about 18 Dwarf Frigates whilst their Cruisers and Batleship are a priming?

Good thing for these oaths. I would never get much painted up before buying more stuff. Though I did do a lot of base finishing (see the AT 43 walker there), and get my Avatar somewhat done.

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