Friday, June 3, 2011

My AD&D 2nd Edition Character, Let Me Show You Her

Thanks to I happened to stumble upon a 2nd edition AD&D group being formed.  We had a nice meet and greet today and it seems as if we and our schedules should mesh rather well.

(I would link the group but I doubt most of my readers are even in the same state.  Hell, many of you aren't even in the same COUNTRY.)

While I tend to prefer GMing, I am certainly not unwilling to play.  Sometimes its fun just to be a player.  No fuss, no muss, no real prep work, just make a PC, pay attention, don't be a dunderhead.

We did some character generation and my rolls were pretty dire, and even 2 rerolls just made for a meh Bard, which was going to be my first choice.  (A Male Human)

But.. we were allowed access to the Complete Book series, and the reduce an attribute by 2 to raise another by 1 deal.  So why not bring my 4th ed Essentials character back in a 2nd edition form?  A Deep Gnome Thief?

This can be workable.

So here is my newest PC, hopefully who will go on to have lots of fun in a good RPG campaign full of adventure, cool loot, and tons of exp as she shoots sharp pointy things through soft evil squishy things that scream and bleed.

Feel free to use her as an NPC for your own games, or as inspiration for a character.

And here she is, Sneakycheeks!  (Big pictures so the text is totally legible. I can read it in smaller sizes but I apparently have good close in eyesight or something.  Character picture taken in Neverwinter Nights 2 thanks to Windows Snipping Tool.)

                          (Character Sheet thanks to AD&D Core Rules CDROM 2.0.  May it never be scuffed.)

Background:  Sneakycheeks (real name unknown) is mostly in it for the fun.  Of course having grown up in the Underdark her idea of fun is killing monsters, and putting a kibosh on any evil plans any sapient race may have, especially the Drow.  At an early age she took to sneaking out of town, finding things to hide behind, and putting arrows through things that couldn't see her, then enjoying the chaos it caused.  This did put her in hot water with her family and the settlement she lived in as Deep Gnome females are rarely encouraged to leave the safety of a town, much less engage Drow and the various other nefarious denizens of the Underdark alone.

(Not that this ever stopped her any of course.  To her it was even more amusing to see the disruption her actions caused at home too, especially when she probably saved the settlement a quarter dozen times or more.)

One day her uncle Jhasti Dhaggerdhiggin (Deep Gnome L 9 Illusionist) was visiting the town with a band of adventurers looking for parts for his Spelljammer, a small Drow craft with the shape of a Spider.  When the group had collected what they came to the Underdark for they headed back upworld, not knowing Sneekycheeks (who obviously had earned her nickname by this point) was following close behind.

Upon reaching the surface, a days long trek, the group had no choice but to let her tag along on their planetary and dimension hopping adventures to stop the actions of Galthik the Aurak.  Being the flighty, easily distracted type she is, on whichever world the Nentir Vale resides on, she hopped off when the ship had landed for supplies and got involved in that world's Keep on the Borderlands Incident where her mostly self taught skills of archery and thievery helped save the Keep.

(Some would say she got involved as much to help people as she did to embarrass and harass the Knight Rufus Landale.  According to her, their differences aren't anything some Oil of Slipperiness can't solve.  Unsurprisingly Rufus got himself overly injured in the Borderlands Incident and wasn't around most of the time.   He is currently travelling with Axecrash the Dwarf Machinist, and the Hasegawa Sisters Ryoko (Samurai), and Haruhi (Shugenja), much glad Sneakycheeks has gone elsewhere.)

In the final battle of the Borderlands Incident a powerful otherplanar machine attempted to finish off Sneakycheeks and her friends (Elven Cleric, Human Cleric, Half Orc Barbarian, Human Wizard) but was destroyed.  Being the stuff of another reality, infused with the powers of the Outer Planes it exploded, sending Sneakycheeks into another planet at a different time.  She found her abilities and equipment had been altered by this flux in reality.

Now its a new world with new people to meet, new bad guys to irritate, and more trouble to cause.

And causing trouble is what Sneakycheeks likes best!

Roleplaying Notes:  Sneakycheeks is a troublemaker, albeit a well intentioned one.  Her jokes on fellow adventurers are mostly harmless, though usually with some intelligent intent behind them.  ("Uhh barbarian?  Could you take a bath sometimes?  I think the Owlbears on the next continent can smell you.")  Against evil and selfish foes she takes no prisoners and shows no concept of honorable combat, choosing to hide and shoot from out of sight.  She has no problem running from a losing fight, or leaving behind anyone too stupid to know when to fall back.  To save a burning orphanage full of small children?  Fight till you can't.  When outnumbered 2 to 1 and there is a nice line of retreat?  MARINES WE ARE LEAVING.

To her, its better to run away and fight again some other time, hopefully with a large army and having set up a massive ambush.

She is fair minded when it comes to things like treasure, magic items, and returning things to their rightful owners, provided the owners earned it through honest work and not murder, slavery, or corruption/greed.

To her its more fun causing irritation and discord in intelligent evil as opposed to outright destruction.  Having lived in the Underdark for much of her life, she knows full well most evil will destroy itself.

Sometimes it just needs a shot in the ass to get things started.

Quotes:  "If they catch you they will kill you, but first, they gotta catch you.  So let's not get caught.  That would suck."
"Fair fights are for suckers."
"The only good Drow are the ones killing each other.  Which is every Drow.  Waitaminute.. I need to rethink this one.."
"But I don't WANT to form a battle line.  They can see me.  And that means they can hit me.  I'm allergic to death.  And too cute for it!"
"These monsters?  Oh my Uncle Jhasti has fought em.  He calls them Godscursed mother$*&*ing oozing sores on an Owlbear's (*& after its just been *(&^$ed in the *(&$&# by a Terrasque with Herpes.  Its funny shooting them in the head.  They get so bent out of shape!"

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