Thursday, March 26, 2020

A C Virus Variety Pack of STUFF

  Yes it has been a while but I have been busy and lazy.  However at this point in March 2020 a certain illness is going around forcing most of us to stay home, generally without pay in order to slow the spread of this virus illness thing so that more people can survive it.

  Thus I find some time to share a number of things from the last 6-12 months I have meant to post about but haven't.  So let's get on with it!

(As always click for larger images.)

We start with a well over a year old game of Tyranid Attack.  Have I mentioned this game in more than passing?  I dunno.  Too bad though I am doing it again if I have.

 Its another one of those dungeon crawling sorts of boardgames, in this case an early 90s Games Workshop one.  Some of the parts are shared with Advanced Space Crusade but it doesn't do much other than share the basic concept of invading a Tyranid Hive Ship to BREAK STUFF.

 The geomorphic map tiles are assembled randomly based on stuff and its more or less a Marines vs Tyranids game.  One that I only had the loose parts for but none of the models.  Over the years I have more or less gotten a full replacement set of figures and generally nicer ones than those early plastics.

 The random card draw bits can make for a more dice heavy game but it does mean a less experienced player can pull an upset or not just get permanently curbstomped.  However the randomness can also just make things WORSE too. 

My opponent playing the Marines managed to pull a win out although it was REALLY close and tense.  Its a fun game!  And with the odd old White Dwarf issue and the extra rules in the back of the book it has a little bit of expandability in it.

 However I do not think Marmalade the Psycho Kitty is part of the game even if she thinks she is.  

 Last Summer I also had a major terrain find on Target clearance.

 This lovely modular sci fi scenery.

 It was built to work with these little Hex Bug vibrating things but for me its TERRAIN TERRAIN TERRAIN.  Modular plastic terrain.  

 How much did I buy?  Lots.  

 I have a huge storage tub now filled with this stuff plus a few extra expansion bits Five Below had the previous Christmas season.  I couldn't pass that sort of deal up!

 And I even got in a few sessions of Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress over the Summer as well.  Not my copy that is still not completely assembled, but another fellow's.  One who did a fantastic job on painting up all his models.  Like A+.

 Its a decent enough fun game.  I would say Core Space does the Sci Fi RPG Boardgame thing better and with more flexibility.  While the game says Warhammer Quest it is NOTHING like the old 90s title sadly.  Not as flexible either.  Because they want to sell you expansions.  Very expensive ones.  But hot damn if the models aren't excellent.  

 And a Core Space expansion to finish up this Social Distancing thing.  Or not.  Will it ever end?  Will I look back at this time and laugh?  Will anyone?  

 Mmm... more yummy terrain.  Cardboard yes but more terrain.

 And new robo critters to fight!

 Not a ton but more critters is more critters!

 All the terrain popped out, ready to be used.  I particularly like the med table with flippable bloody top and the cool creepy green tank.  Very Prince of Darkness for anyone who remembers that old Carpenter film.

 A reminder of what a Core Space game looks in action.

 And speaking of minis stuff gotten cheap that I haven't done anything with, Starship Troopers!

 I have quite a bit of it, all shamefully unassembled.  Although Something Awful goons in Wisconsin totally want to play it.

 With the flexibility and expansion DIY options in Core Space all these bugs might have use!

 Its visually based on the 90s movie and the CGI Roughnecks TV show.  So sadly no kickin rad armor designs from the 80s anime.  Which apparently sucks in every other way but those godly MI suits.

 It even comes with lots of light cardboard terrain and templates plus whatever the ships do.  I got this in like 06-07 and I still haven't read the bloody rulebook.

    But one never knows what one can do with extra goodies bought when money was spent less wisely and time was in generally higher supply.  (And more options to actually play games with people willing to play them...)   

  Part of the fun in minis gaming is seeing what you can come up with.  At least for me.  For others it is more a tournament thing which is totally not my bag.  But that's cool.  We all gotta follow our own path!

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