A blog about tabletop hobby and or strategy games, with a side order of electronic turn based goodness here and there. Now with tons of retro gaming content both electronic and tabletop. Also with 20% more self loathing douchebaggery!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Computer and Themed Games Collection Post

I do still function kind of.  Ish.  Mostly.  But I've not had much a burning need to post stuff nobody cares about so I have been a bit silent.  I might have some One Page Rules content soon but it depends on if I have time, desire, and most importantly CAN STOP PLAYING THE GAMES OF FROM SOFTWARE.

Even getting 100% on Bloodborne has not fed my needs.  It's like the needs one has as a teenager.  Unending and incredibly disruptive to getting anything accomplished.  

But as I need lazy image hosting and want to show stuff off, let me share my Ultima collection and similarly themed groups of pictures, especially so I can share at Something Awful which doesn't tend to keep Discord images up long.

Ultima one of the most foundational yet now mostly forgotten series of games.  Blame EA.  Blame technology.  Blame it's kind of hacky has been loony creator.  Blame time.

I love the series in spite of everything though.  Enough to try to have every game in some legit physical form and the clue books.

Even the really really bad ones.  Or ones with potential like Ultima 9 which is a pretty good game when it wants to work correctly (rarely) but a terrible Ultima.

Even all the spinoffs have a home with me.

There were TONS of spinoffs.  Some of the spinoffs got spinoffs but stuff like System Shock and Bioshock I don't consider Ultima but they are cousins at the minimum.

And of course the online MMO which I probably would not have played long or at all if it wasn't Ultima.  The game was so short sighted on human nature I was killed by another player within a minute of my first log in before I had even learned how to move!

As I am experimenting with Blogger as a tablet app I'll leave cousins and rivals like Wizardry for another post.  


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Southeastern CT, United States
I like to play nerd games! I am a nerd! Join our nerd ways at https://www.facebook.com/groups/112040385527428/