A long time ago, I began work on rules to replay my favorite movie of all time, Aliens, as a series of interconnected Necromunda scenarios.
Talking with Pico (of which we have had 2 game days I shall report on later), he mentioned he would rather use Necromunda to play the Aliens movie rather than the Leading Edge boardgame which is expensive and rare, yet available freely on the web to those with a penchant for killing their printer ink supply.
With some extra additions I have put in today, here is part 1 of my rules! Also all this talk of Aliens made me go on the Ebay and get a couple extra Horrorclix Alien miniatures. 5 of them for 16 bucks isn't too bad, especially what I want them for. That will bring my Xenomorph collection count up to 20 plus Queen.
Aliens Necromunda: This Time it’s War
Colonial Marine Armory:
M4A3 Semiautomatic 9mm Pistol:
Range: 0-6 +1 7-12 0
Strength: 3
Armor Pen: 0
Damage: 1
Ammunition: 12 shot clip
Special: May be used in close combat.
M41A 10mm Assault Rifle:
Range: 1-16 +1 17-32 0
Strength 4
Armor Pen: -1
Damage: 1
Ammunition: 95 shot clip
Special: 1d Sustained Fire
M41A Grenade Launcher: (Hi Explosive Frag/ Incendiary/ Bounding Frag/ Starshell)
Range: 1-8 0 9-16 -1
Strength: 5 / 4 / 3 / 0
Armor Pen: -2 / -1 / 0 / 0
Damage: d3 / 1 / 1 / 0
Ammunition: 4 grenades in order
Special: Hi Explosive and Incendiary 1” templates. Incendiary causes Flamer burn effects. Bounding Frag 2”.
Starshell turns an area into normal light conditions for 2 turns after the turn it was fired in a 8” radius. Units within 4” of the blast point are effected by blindness for 2 turns if they don’t have eye protection if they fail an I test.
Grenades may be hand thrown as per normal grenade rules.
M240A1 Flamethrower:
Range: Flamer Templates
Strength: 4
Armor Pen: -2
Damage: d3
Ammunition: 10 points of ammo per canister
Special: Flamer rules. Any of the 3 templates can be used in firing the weapon. Small template uses 1 point of ammo. Standard Flamer Template is 3. Heavy Flamer Template is 5. If weapon wielder is hit on a natural 6 the ammunition explodes in a 1” radius per 2 points of ammo still in the weapon, rounded down.
M56A2 Smart Gun:
Range: 3-24 +1 25-48 +2
Strength: 4
Armor Pen: -1
Damage: d2+1
Ammunition: 50 Sustained Fire Dice in an ammo drum
Special: Move or Fire Weapon, Only Partial Armor allowed, may reroll 1 Sustained Fire Die when firing. May fire up to 5 dice per turn. Infared camera reduces light/cover modifers in half, rounded down.
M42 Scope Rifle:
Range: 6-32 +1 33-64 +2
Strength: 5
Armor Pen: -2
Damage: 1d6
Ammunition: 15 round clip
Special: If firer does not move when firing, there are no negative modifiers for cover, hidden/spotted, or light/smoke effects in play due to the multifunction scope.
Range: 1-16 -2 17-32 -1
Strength: 8
Armor Pen: -5
Damage: 3d4
Ammunition: Single Shot
Special: Against large targets (2” or larger bases) to hit penalties reduced by 1. Against larger vehicles or heat sources (3.5” or larger bases/area) penalties are removed and it becomes +1to hit at short range and +2 at long. Any model within 2” of the rear of the firing model takes a S4 hit when fired if they fail an Initiative check from backblast.
Gerber Mark II Combat Knife:
Range: 0-0 0 1-4 -1
Strength: As user
Armor Pen: 0
Damage: 1
Ammuntion: Its a knife. Only lost if thrown. DUH.
Special: Close Combat weapon, may be thrown 1-4” if needed.
Shotgun: Shot/Solid Slug
Range: 0-4 +1 5-8 0 / 1-10 0 11-20 -1
Strength: 3 / 3
Armor Pen: 0 / -1
Damage: 1 / 1
Ammunition: 8 shots individually loaded in order.
Special: Shot ammuntion usable in close coombat allowing a single hit.
Marine Gear and Equipment:
Marine Light Armor:
5-6 Save. Wearable with M56A2 Smart Gun
Marine Standard Armor:
4-6 Save. Standard armor type. Includes personal headlight illuminating 8” in front of the wearer.
Marine Battle Dress Uniform:
6 Save. Officer and pilot dress. Damaged or Acid Splashed armor becomes this.
Motion Tracker:
Device that detects movement within 24” in the front arc of model using it up to 10 feet above and below.
Portable Welding Tool:
Can seal or unseal any given door or man sized access point in d4 turns.
Revives downed units in d4 turns, giving them back 1wound.
Radio Communicator:
Built into Marine Standard Armor, carried by others. Allows for radio communications.
Personal Locator:
Keeps track of wearer and their current medical lifesigns.
P-5000 Powerloader:
+1 Armor
1/2 Move (Walking only)
2 Strength 7 “Forklift” manipulator arms. (D2 damage, Parry)
UA 571-C Remote Sentry Weapon System:
Toughness 4
Mounts 1 Machine Gun equivalent to the M56A2 Smart Gun
Special: Takes 6 turns to set up, has a 60 degree front firing arc, fires on any targets without a Personal Locator automatically, and will roll all 5 dice as its firing action.
The Colonial Marines & Non Combat Personnel:
Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (F, Non Combat Advisor)
4 3 2 2 3 2 5 1 9
L. Bishop (M, Non Combat Synthetic)
4 1 1 5 3 3 4 1 8
Carter J. Burke (M, Corporate Advisor)
4 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 6
Colonial Marines:
Lieutenant S. Gorman (M)
4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Sergeant A. Apone (M)
4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 9
Corporal C. Ferro (F, Dropship)
4 3 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Corporal D. Hicks (M)
4 3 4 3 4 1 4 1 8
Corporal C. Dietrich (F)
4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 7
Private First Class J. Vasquez (F)
4 3 4 4 3 1 4 1 8
Private First Class W. Hudson (M)
4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 6
Private First Class D. Spunkmeyer (M,Dropship)
4 3 3 3 3 1 5 1 7
Private R. Frost (M)
4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Private T. Crowe (M)
4 3 3 4 3 1 4 1 8
Private T. Wierzbowski (M)
4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Notes: All Marines have Personal Locator, Battle Dress Uniform, and M4A3 Pistol with 1 extra clip.
Marine Classes:
Apone & Hicks are Gang Leaders. (Goliath & Orlock)
Gorman is an Orlock Juve
Vasquez & Crowe are Heavies. (Escher & Delaque)
Ripley is an Escher Ganger.
Hudson, Ferro, Spunkmeyer & Frost are Van Saar Gangers.
Frost & Dietrich are Cawdor Gangers.
Newt, Burke, & Bishop do not gain EXP at all.
All enlisted Marines are qualified to use all pistols and the Pulse Rifle.
Gorman can use all pistols and the Pulse Rifle.
Ripley can use all pistols, and may learn 1 new weapon after every mission up to 3 total.
(Pulse Rifle Grenade Launcher is considered a seperate weapon.)
Everyone but Newt can drive the APC, though only the Marines may use any onboard weapons.
Everyone but Newt, Gorman, and Burke may use the Welding Tool.
Ripley, and all Marine Privates may use the Powerloader.
Van Saar class Marines may use the Motion Tracker and have +1 to their Ld checks when using any computer or electronic skill. They may also use the Remote Sentries.
Heavies may use the SADAR or Smart Gun.
Cawdor class Marines may use the Flamethrower.
Apone and Hicks may use any weapon.
All weapons are considered to be carrying 1 clip of ammunition, and have a second clip on hand except for the Flamethrower which just has its default load.
Bishop is considered to be a Van Saar for purposes of any electronics or computer use except he does not have any time penalties to his Ld checks.
Ferro, Spunkmeyer, and Bishop may pilot the Dropship.
A blog about tabletop hobby and or strategy games, with a side order of electronic turn based goodness here and there. Now with tons of retro gaming content both electronic and tabletop. Also with 20% more self loathing douchebaggery!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday and Wednesday game reports
Tuesday we started up a game of Twilight Imperium, 3rd edition. So far its not too shabby of a game, though its got some of the usual WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING FFG?! quirks that Fantasy Flight Games' products all seem to have. (At least my 2 other experiences with their games (Doom, World of Warcraft) have anyhow..)
Largely Twilight Imperium is like the computer game Master of Orion 2, only in a simpler boardgame form. You still have alien races (I got the Turtle People! I will now never play any other race in the game. I don't care! SPACE TURTLE PEOPLE!!), technology to research, planets to colonize, other civilizations to politic and trade with, and of course, spaceships blowing each other up.
As we have left it set up on my new Ping Pong table cover (a bit bigger than 2 card tables pushed together. Well worth 25 bucks on clearance at Walmart.), it can hold until the second week of January when we can pick it back up again. Took too long to set up to stop now. TURTLE LAND WILL BE COMPLETE DAMN YOU!!!
Wednesday was another mostly wasted trip to Sarge's Comics. None of the regular 40K players showed up, just a couple people playing a game of Warmachine. I did get the WoW CCG Molten Core raid deck for 10 bucks on clearance, an old SPI wargame called Freedom in the Galaxy used for 4.50, and Steve Jackson Games' Dino Hunt expansion/standalone for 10 dollars.
Not too bad of a haul. Went to Target afterwards to do some necessities shopping and picked up the Cowboys and Samurai pack of Heroscape. Considering I have never seen blisters of that set in retail before, its nice to finally have gotten one of them.
Largely Twilight Imperium is like the computer game Master of Orion 2, only in a simpler boardgame form. You still have alien races (I got the Turtle People! I will now never play any other race in the game. I don't care! SPACE TURTLE PEOPLE!!), technology to research, planets to colonize, other civilizations to politic and trade with, and of course, spaceships blowing each other up.
As we have left it set up on my new Ping Pong table cover (a bit bigger than 2 card tables pushed together. Well worth 25 bucks on clearance at Walmart.), it can hold until the second week of January when we can pick it back up again. Took too long to set up to stop now. TURTLE LAND WILL BE COMPLETE DAMN YOU!!!
Wednesday was another mostly wasted trip to Sarge's Comics. None of the regular 40K players showed up, just a couple people playing a game of Warmachine. I did get the WoW CCG Molten Core raid deck for 10 bucks on clearance, an old SPI wargame called Freedom in the Galaxy used for 4.50, and Steve Jackson Games' Dino Hunt expansion/standalone for 10 dollars.
Not too bad of a haul. Went to Target afterwards to do some necessities shopping and picked up the Cowboys and Samurai pack of Heroscape. Considering I have never seen blisters of that set in retail before, its nice to finally have gotten one of them.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Trip Report: Sarge's Comics in New London
Its a Wednesday, so sometimes I drive down in hopes of getting in a game or two of Warhammer 40K. No game this week, but it was an interesting trip.
One short game of 40K happened, and 2 guys played a pair of Cygnar on Cygnar Warmachine fights.
However my friend Drew showed up, looking to buy some stuff for his Warhammer Vampire Counts force. Some time was spent picking things out and getting him some initial units. He ended up selecting a Skeleton regiment box, and 2 blisters of Batswarms. With an extra large base from me, that will give him a full sized unit of the yapping beasties.
After he left, the shop owner was inspired by the help myself and other folks there were giving him and let us rummage through old GW blisters.
I selected 10 blisters of Dire Wolves for Drew, in the hope he wants them. Itll give him a full unit of the wolves. In the event he doesn't want them, I will convert them over to Goblin Wolf Riders for myself.
For myself, I selected a Troll for my Orc and Goblin force, now giving me 3 of them. Also picked up a pack of Night Goblin Fanatics. 4.50 for metals vs the current price of 15? Yes thank you! For my 40K Chaos Marine army I grabbed Typhus, Herald of Nurgle, who will be my Nurgle Terminator Psyker Stefan.
I put back Jain Zar and a few packs of Eldar Harlequins. Nice figures to have, but my Elite and HQ choices in my Eldar army are overflowing to begin with. I could have bought twice as much EASY. Still I saved about 75 bucks. One guy saved 40, another saved 150. Not sure about the fourth dude. You can say we took advantage of the deal I guess.
I might take advantage of more deals next week. Depends on cashflow.
One short game of 40K happened, and 2 guys played a pair of Cygnar on Cygnar Warmachine fights.
However my friend Drew showed up, looking to buy some stuff for his Warhammer Vampire Counts force. Some time was spent picking things out and getting him some initial units. He ended up selecting a Skeleton regiment box, and 2 blisters of Batswarms. With an extra large base from me, that will give him a full sized unit of the yapping beasties.
After he left, the shop owner was inspired by the help myself and other folks there were giving him and let us rummage through old GW blisters.
I selected 10 blisters of Dire Wolves for Drew, in the hope he wants them. Itll give him a full unit of the wolves. In the event he doesn't want them, I will convert them over to Goblin Wolf Riders for myself.
For myself, I selected a Troll for my Orc and Goblin force, now giving me 3 of them. Also picked up a pack of Night Goblin Fanatics. 4.50 for metals vs the current price of 15? Yes thank you! For my 40K Chaos Marine army I grabbed Typhus, Herald of Nurgle, who will be my Nurgle Terminator Psyker Stefan.
I put back Jain Zar and a few packs of Eldar Harlequins. Nice figures to have, but my Elite and HQ choices in my Eldar army are overflowing to begin with. I could have bought twice as much EASY. Still I saved about 75 bucks. One guy saved 40, another saved 150. Not sure about the fourth dude. You can say we took advantage of the deal I guess.
I might take advantage of more deals next week. Depends on cashflow.
Behold! Ogre on Heroscape!
I like doing battle reports, but writing out long stupid spiels of text nobody really reads is pointless, and pictures do a much better job.
Here is a record of my game played today on Heroscape terrain with 3 people who have never played Ogre before. They all liked it.
Why? Cuz I am awesome. My Gingerbread House Battletech fight was awesome, and so is this not so bizarre fight of Ogre with some house rules to play on Heroscape terrain.
(If my other reports all using this stuff haven't made it clear, I BLOODY LOVE HEROSCAPE TERRAIN.)



Ogre is alive, even if its just me pimping it!
And getting a desire to buy lots of tiny tanks...
The problem is I then went to look at my next Ogre purchases, and this is the list:

That's a lot of stuff. I need a head check I think.
Welcome to my blog. Expect lots of pointless battle reports like this. Some are even amusing!
Here is a record of my game played today on Heroscape terrain with 3 people who have never played Ogre before. They all liked it.
Why? Cuz I am awesome. My Gingerbread House Battletech fight was awesome, and so is this not so bizarre fight of Ogre with some house rules to play on Heroscape terrain.
(If my other reports all using this stuff haven't made it clear, I BLOODY LOVE HEROSCAPE TERRAIN.)



Ogre is alive, even if its just me pimping it!
And getting a desire to buy lots of tiny tanks...
The problem is I then went to look at my next Ogre purchases, and this is the list:

That's a lot of stuff. I need a head check I think.
Welcome to my blog. Expect lots of pointless battle reports like this. Some are even amusing!
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- Captain Rufus
- Southeastern CT, United States
- I like to play nerd games! I am a nerd! Join our nerd ways at https://www.facebook.com/groups/112040385527428/